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Living in space for two weeks on the Space Shuttle or for many months on a space station is both an adventure and an adjustment. On long missions the isolation from family, friends, and familiar surroundings can become a hardship.

Shuttle astronauts are busy at least 16 hours a day working on a full schedule of mission tasks. They spend their remaining time exercising, eating, and sleeping, with little time to relax.

On the Soviet and Russian space stations, cosmonauts are not as heavily tasked and have more time on their hands. During longer duration stays, some have felt loneliness and boredom.

To add a touch of home and some relief from their regimens, astronauts and cosmonauts take a few of their favorite things into orbit.

This chess set was aboard Soyuz 3 and Soyuz 4 in 1968 and 1969. Because objects float in weightlessness, the set is designed with pegs and grooves to keep the pieces in place.

Lent by The Perot Foundation

157 k jpeg
SI#: 97-16265-6

Occasionally, crew members bring a musical instrument to keep them company. Cosmonauts keep a guitar aboard the Mir space station, and the crews of the 1995 Mir-Atlantis mission sang folk songs together in space.
Cosmonaut playing guitar
128 k jpeg
NASA#: 95-HC-461

Shannon Lucid wore this Russian-made coverall during her six-month stay aboard the Mir space station in 1996. She spent her time doing scientific research and spacecraft operations, and she exercised for two hours daily. An avid reader, she received new books for her orbital library from occasional supply vehicles. Lucid enjoyed this book on Mir.
In-flight coverall, front view In-flight coverall, Back view
92 k jpeg
SI#: 1997-15140
70 k jpeg
SI#: 1997-15141

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